Dent Concussion Center
Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs when the normal functioning of the brain is disrupted by a jolt or blow to the head. Though symptoms of a concussion can be subtle, common signs include headache, dizziness, and memory problems.
Recognition and proper management of a concussion is crucial to avoiding additional serious injury. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers from the first puts the individual at risk for a more severe permanent brain injury.
Post-concussion evaluation and management should be done as soon as possible after the injury. Our Concussion team offers comprehensive assessment by a trained neurologist, followed by additional diagnostic on-site testing at our Buffalo, Amherst, and Orchard Park locations.
Ordinary imaging studies are often used to rule out structural injury. Although most concussions will not create noticeable changes in such scans, new functional MRI and CT techniques available at Dent can offer additional insights on the seriousness of the injury and state of healing.
Neurocognitive tests are critical in the ongoing monitoring of the concussed patient. Doctors of neuropsychology use a variety of tools to quantify how the patient is able to think, react, and remember. Among these tools is a computerized scoring system known as ImPACT. It is highly recommended that all athletes receive baseline ImPACT testing so the Neuropsychologist is able to compare brain function before and after injury.
The brain is a very complex organ, and the specific nature of the injury may be quite different from patient to patient. In some instances, the prevailing symptom may be headaches that are best treated through the Dent Headache Center. Or there may be disruptions to the balance mechanisms of the inner ear, resulting in persistent dizziness. The Dizziness Center offers a battery of tests to isolate such injuries and determine medications and/or Vestibular Therapy can be very effective. Sleep difficulties are referred to the Sleep Center. Changes in behavior are assessed by experts in behavioral neurology and psychiatry
Children can be particularly difficult to assess because they may be afraid, anxious, or have difficulty communicating their symptoms. Our pediatric neurologists are experts in the diagnosis and management of injuries to children, and work compassionately with children and their families.
The DENT Concussion Team is available to visit your school or organization and offer educational information related to the prevention and treatment of concussions . For more information or to schedule an educational event at no charge to your organization call us at (716) 250-6004.

Center Director
Center Providers
J. Aubrey Bottoms, Ph.D, ABPP-CN
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